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Caricature order guide

I’ve put together some help for you on how to order a digital caricature.

I hope you find it useful! Of course, you can still feel free to ask questions. ;)

foto icon 1

Info on photos

bezahlsymbol 1


zeit symbol 1

How long will it take?

größen symbol 1

Size & Print

skizzen symbol 1

Sketch & modification

aber bitte kein symbol 1

If you don't want it

Infos zu Fotos
foto icon 2

Info on photos

You can email your photos to

I usually ask for several photos of each person, preferably of good quality, varied, and showing what they actually look like in life.

Some examples to help you:

jennifer aniston 1 sophie caricature
jennifer aniston 2 sophie caricature
jennifer aniston 4 sophie caricature
jennifer aniston 5 sophie caricature
jennifer aniston 3 sophie caricature

Highly visible features, traits

I see the features from profile or semi-profile

Full-figure photo in case of a full-figure caricature

Photo with a smile

Not a priority, but it is nice to see the personality in the photo as well ;)

Fotoleine 1

and some COUNTER-examples to help:

jennifer aniston 6 sophie caricature
jennifer aniston 9 sophie caricature
jennifer aniston 8 sophie caricature
jennifer aniston 7 sophie caricature
Fotoleine 2

Unflattering, grimacing

Not up to date

Low quality, pixelated, head up or down

Over filtered, something covering the face, they don't look like themselves

Other elements

hunde karikatur
suv auto karikatur

1-2 photos of animals are usually enough, vehicle type, colour and possibly registration number may be required, and any photos of backgrounds or objects that you think are important to show me.

zeit symbol 2

How long will it take to complete the caricature?

A caricature drawing can take anywhere from a few hours to several days to complete, depending on the number of people involved and the complexity of the picture. So, to answer this question, I need to know the client’s vision.

portrait karikatur
karikatur der familie gerhard 100x80 auf leinwand

It is also important to know the planned delivery date, so that I have a deadline to stick to.   

skizzen symbol 2

Sketch and modification


For pictures with complex subjects and backgrounds, I sometimes send a sketch to clarify the layout of the picture with the client before working on it.

In more straightforward cases, such as where I am only drawing 1-2 people without backgrounds, I don’t send a sketch.

skizze für zeichnung 1
skizze für zeichnung 2

These are just quick scribbles, just to brainstorm the layout of each element. So, neither the face nor the colours are elaborate or final.

skizze für zeichnung 3
fertig karikatur


It is possible to request a modification 2 times, and this is included in the price.

bezahlsymbol 2

Payment is made in advance by bank transfer.

uberweisung zum auftrag

There are two reasons for this:

          -There have been cases where the work has not been paid for by the client.

          -Another reason, and this is the main reason: it allows you to finalise your order.

In other words, I schedule the order of the person into my calendar who has already paid.

You can see my prices under the PRICES menu.

If you have an extra request, we can discuss everything privately.

For the moment, payment is only possible by bank transfer. I will give you the details for this in our correspondence.

rechnung fur bestellung

I will also invoice you when the work is done.

größen symbol 2
Information on the size and printing of digital caricatures

Caricatures are made digitally, so you can request any size.

Influencing factors

What size will fit where the picture will go in the apartment?

leinwand an der wand

What size frame can you buy?

wie groß sollte der rahmen sein
fertige digitale karikatur einer frau mit hintergrund

The layout of the theme can also be a guide to choosing the size and ratio. For example, for such a crowded, detailed image, you might want to ask for a larger size (This was A2).

Canvas Print

The canvas is priced separately from the caricature and its price depends on the size. Canvas can be ordered in any size.


Paper picture

Basically, I send the pictures by email and you can take care of the printing and framing.

For canvas prints, I can arrange printing and delivery by courier.

aber bitte kein symbol 2
You don’t want the order after all?

No problem!

If we are already in correspondence, and heaven forbid you have already sent me pictures, but for some reason you are still not ordering, all I ask is that you let me know so I can stop counting on you.

I swear I will not be offended, but I need this information for planning purposes.

Sophie Caricature kalender
The main point is to love what you get at the end!
collage von glucklichen menschen mit karikatur
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